What’s Your Dream?

If you don’t build your dream someone else will hire you to help build theirs.
-Tony A. Gaskins Jr.
I painted the back of my front door with chalkboard paint and that quote is the FIRST thing I wrote once the paint dried.
- What does it mean, though? What exactly is a dream?
- Is it a physical thing you want to acquire?
- Is it a place you want to live?
- Is it an award you want to win?
- Or is it a WAY of living?
My dream is to provide a comfortable lifestyle for myself and my family by doing good for others.
Your dream can be whatever you want – but I would encourage you to think about it sooner rather than later.
Time really does fly. I read somewhere that the clock starts feeling like it speeds up once you hit age 23. Yikes.
So how do you discern your dream?
I think some of my key takeaways from the 2021 Women in Manufacturing SUMMIT earlier in October might resonate:
- Build your personal board of directors – the expert, the truth teller, the innovator, the sponsor, the vault. These people might not know each other, but they all should know you well. For my entrepreneurial friends – this one is even more important for you.
- Remember that people want to work with people, NOT companies. What makes you, well YOU? That’s your secret sauce. That’s your certain something. Embrace it, hone it, embody it.
- Ask for what you want. The candid feedback on what you’re awesome at and what you’re not so great at (yet). That new opportunity. That board position. That chance to learn something new. We tend to really underestimate how willing others are to help us – much to our detriment.
My questions for YOU:
- Do you have an open spot on your personal board of directors?
- Could you benefit from a neutral third party to talk with you about your goals, the challenges in your way, and how to overcome them?
- Are you ready to hone your leadership skills through research-based, engaging learning journeys delivered by world-class thought leaders?
I’m here for you. This is what I do. Connect people just like you with the skills and opportunities they need for success – not only for their current role, but for all their dreams ahead!
All my best,