My Wish For You As We Wind Down 2021

When I think about what I’m on this Earth to do, it all starts to make sense again.
The outside chatter shuts off. The comparison game goes on pause.
I will never be everything to everyone, and I know that to try to be… is a recipe for disappointment.
I’ve done a lot of crazy, foolish and tough things, and my number one goal is to help others skip over those pain points, or at least help them move through them with grace.
Going out on my own has taught me a lot.
That there’s a loneliness within me. That even though I consider myself more of an introvert that extrovert, I need human connection – and it’s harder than ever to get that with the ongoing pandemic.
That now every moment of every day is a potential revenue-generating opportunity – and that choices I used to make about how to spend my time when I was earning a salary are way different than they are now.
That it’s way too easy to get lost in the tactical and make excuses not to focus on the strategic side of running a business.
That it’s OK to mute someone, unfollow someone, or whatever it takes to get away from toxicity.
That your ‘tribe’ is key – and that it’s OK to have it change over time, and that it might often be made up of folks you’ve never met in person.
That people may ask too much of you, and that it’s not your responsibility to explain yourself or your actions to those that are on the ‘take’ vs. the ‘give and take.’
That the world is full of intelligent, compassionate and amazing human beings – and technology has made it possible to meet with, and learn from, more of them than ever before!
While I know not entrepreneurship is not everyone’s dream, I do think that everyone can benefit from taking some time this holiday season to view their life from an outside perspective.
- NEVER forget that you have control.
- You are ALWAYS the one that is best equipped to look out for your own interests.
- You are NEVER trapped. There are always other options.
Take it from someone who left a good-paying engineering role and started delivering phone books out of her car back in 2009, because of a culture and leadership mismatch that got to the breaking point.
Take it from someone who got out of a disastrous first marriage despite the financial ramifications, because mental, physical and emotional health are PRICELESS.
You have choices.
And I’m always here to talk with you.
I’m an open book – and my greatest wish is that each and every one of you is in a place where you’re healthy, safe, thriving and happy about the impact you’re having on your family, your community and the world.